Alumina porous (KR-98-VG)

98% Al2O3

KR-98-VG is a pure alumina grade which, thanks to its open pores of approx. 23%, is more resis­tant to temper­a­ture changes than a high-density grade. In the steel indus­try, it is used for melt­ing alloys or special steels. This ceramic is also utilised, for exam­ple, for safety crucibles. Thick-walled compo­nents which have high-strength prop­er­ties can be made from this mate­r­ial.


  • high mechan­i­cal strength
  • high corro­sion resis­tance
  • temper­a­ture resis­tance up to over 1750 °C
  • good ther­mal insu­la­tion
  • high elec­tri­cal insu­la­tion capac­ity
  • chem­i­cally resis­tant to copper, chromium, bismuth, manganese, iron, etc.

Directional Analysis

Vibra­tion cast corun­dum
> 98% (porous)
Qual­ity KR-98-VG