Quartz with silicon nitride (Q95F)

ca. 95% Quartz

Q95F is the further devel­op­ment of a quartz compound with sili­con nitride. This qual­ity is used partic­u­larly in medical tech­nol­ogy. During the induc­tive melt­ing of plat­inum, temper­a­tures of over 1900 °C can be reached for short peri­ods, which Q95F is able to with­stand. In addi­tion, a lotus effect is created between the plat­inum and the ceramic. Q95F crucibles have proven partic­u­larly suit­able for this purpose. GTS has been manu­fac­tur­ing prod­ucts from ultra­pure quartz and quartz compounds for over 25 years.


  • low ther­mal expan­sion coef­fi­cient
  • extremely high temper­a­ture change resis­tance
  • high corro­sion resis­tance to many molten metals
  • high corro­sion resis­tance in contact with many other chem­i­cal prod­ucts
  • Good to very good chem­i­cal resis­tance to: plat­inum, silver

Directional Analysis

Cast Quartz with sili­con nitride
> 95% (porous)
Qual­ity Q95F