Fireclay (A3)

For decades, fire­clay has impressed as a refrac­tory mate­r­ial with its outstand­ing qual­ity and versa­til­ity. Manu­fac­tured from clay miner­als and aluminium oxides, fire­clay offers ideal prop­er­ties for vari­ous indus­trial appli­ca­tions. The use of only clay in the back­fill guar­an­tees the high qual­ity that char­ac­terises genuine fire­clay.

Fire­clay has an impres­sive heat resis­tance. It can with­stand temper­a­tures of up to 1200 °C and is there­fore perfect for melt­ing processes that require extreme heat. Fire­clay is also char­ac­terised by its ther­mal shock resis­tance, which means it can with­stand sudden temper­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions with­out break­ing or losing stabil­ity.

A major advan­tage of fire­clay is its abil­ity to be heated induc­tively. This allows the mate­r­ial to be heated effi­ciently and evenly, saving energy and opti­mis­ing the produc­tion process. In addi­tion, fire­clay is inex­pen­sive to purchase and offers excel­lent value for money, making it an econom­i­cally attrac­tive choice for many appli­ca­tions.

Another advan­tage is that the mate­r­ial stores heat so that the molten mass does not solid­ify so quickly. This ensures even process­ing and improves the qual­ity of the end prod­ucts.

Over­all, fire­clay is the ideal choice for anyone look­ing for high heat resis­tance, ther­mal shock resis­tance and cost-effec­tive solu­tions.


  • Very high heat resis­tance up to 1200 °C
  • Resis­tant to ther­mal shock
  • Can be heated induc­tively
  • Fire­clay stores heat, prevent­ing rapid solid­i­fi­ca­tion of the molten mass.

Directional Analysis

Crucibles made of fire­clay
Qual­ity A3