GTS Keramik
Made in Germany
Made in Germany
IlluÂmiÂnants and the glass indusÂtry
IlluÂmiÂnants (lamps and bulbs) are becomÂing ever more effiÂcient and energy-saving. Ceramic is used not only as an insuÂlaÂtor but also as a carrier mateÂrÂial. It is oxidaÂtion-free and heat-resisÂtant. Ceramic compoÂnents have to be precise and more effiÂcient than other mateÂriÂals. Not all glass is the same. NowaÂdays, differÂent types of glass have to meet differÂent requireÂments. They must be chemÂiÂcally resisÂtant to many mateÂriÂals, scratch and impact-resisÂtant or imperÂviÂous to heat. Among other things, high-purity ceramÂics are required for manuÂfacÂturÂing special types of glass. They must contain as few trace elements as possiÂble, otherÂwise these would be found in the glass. The purer the ceramic, the purer the glass. GTS is constantly develÂopÂing new formuÂlaÂtions to meet the requireÂments. One great advanÂtage is its collabÂoÂraÂtion with research centres or directly with the indusÂtry. Every order is a gain in develÂopÂment.