Laboratory Crucibles Cylindrical Shape - Spinel - SP-30-G - Z

Labo­ra­tory Crucibles Cylin­dri­cal Shape (Z)

Spinel (SP-30‑G)

70% Al2O3 30% MgO

Z 15152022
Z 20202423
Z 252550215
Z 303039215
Z 323376240
Z 383843225
Z 3939100290
Z 404054240
Z 40/14079370
Z 434485390
Z 444451350
Z 464654360
Z 505069390
Z 515239350
Z 525430335
Z 5657853140
Z 5858623100
Z 6060843170
Z 60/157604110
Z 64651304300
Z 7069983260
Z 80771134420
Z 80/1811524560
Z 90901294–5600
Z 1001001444 — 5900
Z 1051041564 — 51000
Z 1151181784 — 51500
Z 115/11181144 — 5900
Z 1301281474 — 51500
Z 115/21182144 — 51800


Øout Outside diameter in mm
Height Height in mm
Wall Wall thickness in mm
Vol Volume in ml


  • good ther­mal and chem­i­cal resis­tance to aggres­sive alka­lis
  • high ther­mal conduc­tiv­ity
  • compar­a­tively good ther­mal shock resis­tance
  • Good to very good chem­i­cal resis­tance to: lead, manganese, hydrochlo­ric acid (30%), silver

Directional Analysis

Cast Spinel (dense)
Qual­ity SP-30‑G