Crucibles conical shape - Alumina dense - AL99-G - K

Crucibles coni­cal shape (K)

Alumina dense (AL99‑G)

99,7% Al2O3

K 1516131621,6
K 2019152423
K 30292239210
K 40392953240
K 50483667270
K 605943833122
K 7068511003220
K 8078581123320
K 9088651264470
K 10098721414630


Øtop Outer diameter top in mm
Øbottom Outer diameter bottom in mm
Height Height in mm
Wall Wall thickness in mm
Vol Volume in ml


  • high mechan­i­cal strength
  • high wear resis­tance
  • excel­lent antifric­tion prop­er­ties
  • high corro­sion resis­tance
  • high temper­a­ture resis­tance up to over 1700 °C
  • good ther­mal conduc­tiv­ity
  • high elec­tri­cal insu­la­tion capac­ity
  • Good to very good chem­i­cal resis­tance to: aluminium, beryl­lium, lead, chromium, iron, germa­nium, cobalt, copper, magne­sium, manganese, nickel, sili­con diox­ide, hydrochlo­ric acid (30%), vana­dium, bismuth, tin, zinc

Directional Analysis

Cast aluminium oxide
> 99,7% (dense)
Qual­ity AL99‑G