Crucibles conical shape - Quartz with silicon nitride - Q95F - K

Crucibles coni­cal shape (K)

Quartz with sili­con nitride (Q95F)

ca. 95% Quartz

K 2023182823
K 30342646215
K 40463564350
K 505743803120
K 606851974180
K 7081611164330
K 8093691344450
K 90105771504810
K 1001168616941000


Øtop Outer diameter top in mm
Øbottom Outer diameter bottom in mm
Height Height in mm
Wall Wall thickness in mm
Vol Volume in ml


  • low ther­mal expan­sion coef­fi­cient
  • extremely high temper­a­ture change resis­tance
  • high corro­sion resis­tance to many molten metals
  • high corro­sion resis­tance in contact with many other chem­i­cal prod­ucts
  • Good to very good chem­i­cal resis­tance to: plat­inum, silver

Directional Analysis

Cast Quartz with sili­con nitride
> 95% (porous)
Qual­ity Q95F