Zirconia porous (ZR-95-VG)

95% ZrO2

Porous zirco­nia ceramic has the same chem­i­cal compo­si­tion as the dense zirco­nia grade. The advan­tage of a porous ceramic is the slightly better ther­mal shock resis­tance. The stresses that occur in the body during heat­ing are absorbed more by the open pores. Zirco­nium oxide crucibles should be stamped in an aluminum oxide crucible (qual­ity KR-98-VG) with an invest­ment mate­r­ial. This signif­i­cantly extends the service life. This qual­ity was devel­oped and success­fully used for precious metals (espe­cially plat­inum) and super­al­loys.


  • Zirco­nium oxide is a semi­con­duc­tor
  • high mechan­i­cal strength
  • ther­mal insu­la­tion capac­ity at >1,700 °C
  • high temper­a­ture resis­tance up to over 2000 °C
  • low ther­mal conduc­tiv­ity
  • high corro­sion resis­tance
  • Good to very good chem­i­cal resis­tance to aluminium, beryl­lium, bismuth, cobalt, nickel, plat­inum…

Directional Analysis

Zirco­nia porous
Qual­ity ZR-95-VG