GeneÂral Terms and CondiÂtiÂons
As of: 26.01.2012
1. AppliÂcaÂtion
Our GeneÂral Terms and CondiÂtiÂons are a compoÂnent of the contract and apply to all, thus also future, deals, deliÂveÂries and serviÂces of the GieĂź- TechÂniÂsche-SonderÂkeÂraÂmik GmbH & Co. KG (in the folloÂwing named GTS) with the custoÂmer. They will be accepÂted by the custoÂmer to their full extent in the version valid at the time of the busiÂness transÂacÂtion. ReguÂlaÂtiÂons deviÂaÂting from these condiÂtiÂons, espeÂciÂally also busiÂness condiÂtiÂons of the custoÂmer, are hereÂwith contraÂdicÂted. We point out that it is possiÂble to accept the GTCs in the interÂnet under
OThe company address is:
GieĂź- TechÂniÂsche- SonderÂkeÂraÂmik GmbH & Co. KG
CEO: Andreas MĂĽller
KoppersÂstr. 29
40549 DĂĽsselÂdorf
2. Offers and contract concluÂsion
2.1 All offers are always free of obliÂgaÂtion and non-binding up to our order confirÂmaÂtion in writing.
2.2 CollaÂteÂral agreeÂments are only valid if they are confirÂmed in writing.
2.3 GTS expresÂsly reserÂves the right to price chanÂges, techÂniÂcal chanÂges, mistaÂkes, prinÂting errors or interÂmeÂdiÂate sale.
3. Prices
The prices are in Euros plus legal VAT without early payment discount and other deducÂtiÂons. The prices at the time of ordeÂring are valid. For deliÂvery into EU counÂtries, the present VAT tax rates of the FedeÂral RepuÂblic of Germany are valid; with non-EU counÂtries, the order value will be shorÂteÂned by this amount. The custoÂmary import turnÂover tax is to be borne by the custoÂmer. The prices given in the offers and order confirÂmaÂtiÂons are non-obliÂgaÂtory; they are valid ex works and do not include packÂaÂging, transÂportaÂtion, postÂage, guaranÂteed value and VAT.
4. Payment condiÂtiÂons
4.1 Purchase price incluÂding all costs is due from accounÂting.
4.2 The payments are to be made gross without discounts or any other deducÂtiÂons, as long as another mode of payment has not been expresÂsly agreed in writing.
4.3 With delay of the custoÂmer, GTS is entitÂled to assert default inteÂrest accorÂding to the law for the acceÂleÂraÂtion of due payments. CompenÂsaÂtion claims going beyond this remain unafÂfecÂted by this.
4.4 The custoÂmer can only offset against the claims of GTS if the counÂterÂclaim of the custoÂmer is undisÂpuÂted or there is a legally binding title.
5. ReserÂvaÂtion of title
5.1 Each deliÂvery ensues under reserÂvaÂtion of title; only with complete payment of the invoice does the title transÂfer to the custoÂmer. Up to this time the goods must not be pledÂged, assigÂned by way of secuÂrity or be encumÂbeÂred with other rights.
5.2 The purchaÂser is bound to insure the reserÂved goods on his costs to our beneÂfit suffiÂciently against fire and water damaÂges as well as theft and burglary. Any insuÂrance claims arising in the event of damage have already been assigÂned to us. The assignÂment of claims is accepÂted.
6. ShipÂping charÂges
6.1 In addiÂtion to the value of the goods, the shipÂping costs given at the compleÂtion of the order are to be paid.
6.2 GTS expresÂsly reserÂves the right, in case it is necesÂsary and condiÂtiÂoÂned by the characÂter of the order, to demand higher shipÂping charÂges in consultaÂtion with the custoÂmer.
6.3 With non-EU counÂtries, indiÂviÂdual freight costs are calcuÂlaÂted of which the custoÂmer will be inforÂmed folloÂwing an order. After this he can either confirm the order or cancel it.
7. Order
The order of the custoÂmer is binding; it is only consiÂdeÂred accepÂted with our writÂten order confirÂmaÂtion, invoice or the shipÂment of the goods to the purchaÂser.
8. Right of RevoÂcaÂtion
8.1 In ordeÂring over the interÂnet, the consuÂmer (not the trade custoÂmer) has the right to revoke the purchase contract without giving reasons within 14 days from recepÂtion of the goods or to return the goods. For the obserÂvaÂtion of this deadÂline, it suffiÂces to send the revoÂcaÂtion off in good time. Then a reverse transÂacÂtion of the contract will ensue step by step.
8.2 If the goods were used and have signs of wear, the purchase can likeÂwise only be revoÂked within the legal deadÂline of 14 days. We reserve the right to charge the consuÂmer the decrease in value and value of the use of the goods.
8.3 If the revoÂcaÂtion concerns goods to a value of not more than 40 Euros, thus the purchaÂser has to bear the return costs unless the deliÂveÂred goods do not corresÂpond to the ones ordeÂred.
8.4 When damaÂged goods are returÂned, we are entitÂled to assert compenÂsaÂtion claims.
8.5 If the commerÂcial purchaÂser refuÂses to accept the goods or if he withÂdraws from the order, thus we reserve the right to assert 25% of the agreed purchase price as lump sum compenÂsaÂtion. With custom-made artiÂcles or goods espeÂciÂally ordeÂred for the custoÂmer, a lump sum compenÂsaÂtion of 60% is seen as agreed on.
9. Notice of defects – warranty – LiabiÂlity
9.1 InsoÂfar as nothing deviÂaÂting is agreed on, the legal warranty period of 24 months is valid for not obvious defects. With obvious defects, the custoÂmer has to report them two weeks after recepÂtion of the goods in writing presenÂting the copy of the invoice, otherÂwise warranty claims for obvious defects are excluÂded. The legal proviÂsiÂons of the commerÂcial code apply to notiÂces of defects by merchants.
9.2 The custoÂmer is bound to allow us to check the defecÂtive goods. When a defecÂtive object has been deliÂveÂred, the custoÂmer has the choice of a claim to subseÂquent improÂveÂment of the defecÂtive object or replaÂceÂment deliÂvery. Only if a subseÂquent improÂveÂment or first replaÂceÂment deliÂvery fails, the custoÂmer can assert his right to withÂdraw from the contract (rescisÂsion) or reduÂcing of the purchase price (reducÂtion). In the case of a subseÂquent fulfilÂment, the custoÂmer is howeÂver bound to return the defecÂtive object as well as pay compenÂsaÂtion for the beneÂfit of use.
9.3 There is no guaranÂtee obliÂgaÂtion for damaÂges due to normal wear as well as incorÂrect handÂling. We carry the risk in returning goods rightly rejecÂted. We also pay when the goods are sent anew.
9.4 We are excluÂsiÂvely liable for damaÂges arising from the violaÂtion of essenÂtial contracÂtual main responÂsiÂbiÂliÂties (cardiÂnal duties). A further liabiÂlity only arises from the product liabiÂlity law, or due to intenÂtiÂoÂnal or grosÂsly negliÂgent behaÂviÂour by us or our vicaÂrious agents.
10. LimitaÂtion of liabiÂlity
10.1 The GTS guaranÂtees that the contract products are not afflicÂted with defects, which also include the absence of warranÂted characÂteÂrisÂtics. The producÂtion of the contract products ensues with all necesÂsary care. The contract parties are howeÂver aware of the fact that it is not possiÂble, accorÂding to the present state of the art, to exclude errors in the end-product under all appliÂcaÂtion condiÂtiÂons. TechÂniÂcal characÂteÂrisÂtics and descripÂtiÂons in producÂtion inforÂmaÂtion alone do not present any assuÂrance of certain featuÂres, insoÂfar as they have no effects on quality and usabiÂlity of the objects. ThereÂfore, custoÂmary deviÂaÂtiÂons remain reserÂved. An assuÂrance of characÂteÂrisÂtics is only given in the legal sense if the respecÂtive inforÂmaÂtion was confirÂmed in writing by GTS. The liabiÂlity of GTS is excluÂsiÂvely based on the agreeÂments made in the previous section. This is not valid in case of gross fault or intent.
10.2 The liabiÂlity limitaÂtion applies to contracÂtual as well as non-contracÂtual claims.
10.3 All deliÂveÂries to commerÂcial reselÂlers are subject to the reserÂvaÂtiÂons of correct and timely self-deliÂvery. A deliÂvery period begins as soon as all order condiÂtiÂons were agreed on. It extends, regardÂless of our rights with custoÂmer delays, by the time which the custoÂmer is in delay. Partial deliÂveÂries are basiÂcally permitÂted and bind the buyer to accept, unless someÂthing else was expresÂsly agreed on during the contract concluÂsion.
10.4 Delay in deliÂvery which occurs due to force majeure or due to events which make the deliÂvery essenÂtiÂally more diffiÂcult or imposÂsiÂble – for example busiÂness disrupÂtiÂons, striÂkes, offiÂcial orders, natuÂral cataÂstropÂhes, etc.- frees GTS from obserÂving certain agreed on deliÂvery periÂods.
10.5 The custoÂmer can withÂdraw from the contract if we are in delay and have let an extenÂsion of time of 4 weeks expire unused.
11. Data protecÂtion
In handÂling your persoÂnal data, we observe all proviÂsiÂons of the data protecÂtion law, and are entitÂled to process and store all data concerning the busiÂness relaÂtiÂons with the custoÂmer obserÂving this law. FurtherÂmore, we are authoÂriÂsed accorÂding to appliÂcaÂble law to obtain details about creditÂworthiÂness from mercanÂtile and credit enquiry agenÂcies.
12. Place of jurisÂdicÂtion
The folloÂwing place of jurisÂdicÂtion agreeÂment is only valid for the busiÂness transÂacÂtiÂons with merchants. If the custoÂmer of GTS is a merchant in the sense of the law, the place of perforÂmance and the place of jurisÂdicÂtion is DĂĽsselÂdorf. RegarÂding a consuÂmer as custoÂmer, the geneÂral place of jurisÂdicÂtion follows the code of civil proceÂdure. The contracÂtual relaÂtiÂonsÂhip is subject to German law.
13. SeveÂrÂaÂbiÂlity clause
Should single proviÂsiÂons of these terms and condiÂtiÂons be or become totally or partiÂally invaÂlid, the valiÂdity of the remaiÂning proviÂsiÂons is not affecÂted. The contract parties are bound in this case to interÂpret and formuÂlate the proviÂsiÂons in such a way that the success striÂven for with the void or legally invaÂlid parts is attaiÂned as far as possiÂble.